Harvey Shrine

Harvey is my absolute favorite character at the moment along with my first and only F/O ! He has become a special interest of mine and is very important to me, I hope to detail exactly why here. :-)

Harvey is from the very popular indie farming sim Stardew Valley of course. Despite his character being generally pretty minimal as the point of the game is very much the farming and not the individuals of the town, I have managed to read way too into him and have developed a very large attachment to the man.
I really started getting attached to the him after going through his eighth heart event. He talks about how he had dreamed of being a pilot but could not realize this dream due to his fears and his appearently god awful eyesight, during this scene he handles it very maturely telling the player that its okay and that some dreams are just not meant to be as thats just how the world works. I am very obviously an artist, and I had hoped to make my hobby into my career, however I have been scared off from this dream of mine for many a reason. I have come to terms with this and I'm quite okay with this outcome I am still afraid of the future as I do not have any other true talents outside of art but I'm confident I will figure something out. Some people just don't or can't live out their dreams and thats okay! Most media I see show individuals who have been unable to pursure their dreams and display them as incomplete or hopeless until they eventually just achieve their goals in which they become whole again. Often I feel that these situations are displayed as if seeing your dreams through is the only way someone could lead a full and happy life which is just simply not true! So it was very much a breath of fresh air to see Harvey handled the way he was and made me feel very happy and like I wasnt stupid for not pursuing my passion professionally haha. I saw someone saying that his indulgence into his model planes and radio was him desperately grasping onto something he could never attain and was the equivelent of him torturing himself which is CRAZY. God forbid a man enjoy himself and have hobbies. LOL

Anyway great segueway into me talking about how I also relate to him on an autistic level. I very much view Harvey as autistic from his special interest to how he interacts with the world and people around him he is sooo autistic. Of course, his special interest is in planes and aircrafts, its genuinely evil that Concerned Ape cuts Harvey off before hes able to show off his model plane collection I understand that its due to limitations but its like my dream to be able to look at all his planes and ask him questions and stuff about them. Obviously he is going to be very isolated due to being The Doctor in town as it would be kinda weird to be besties with your doctor but its how he reacts after the player warms up to him that I want to talk about in an autistic light. A lot of Harvey's dialouge is very one note and short for the most part and after being warmed up to it becomes rather awkward like he isn't quite sure how to carry himself now that he has a buddy to talk to. Not to metion that he occasionally just says some out of pocket shit with no warning or prompting which could be the autism as I view it as him trying to connect with the farmer on a deeper more emotional level as thats what friends do, but is not quite sure how to properly so just says the most insane stuff to them before moving on. A bonus thing that isn't shown at all and is just me projecting is that I think he is very connected to his coat and becomes extremely distressed and will be offset the entire day if leaving his appartment without it which totally isn't a thing I do. ;-)

So yeah, to say the very least I love Harvey very very much >///< anyway here is a list of miscellaneous things I wasnt sure how to talk about but still find interesting about him ^_^ I'll update it more as I remember and think of all his little quirks teehee.

  • I understand that it is just the limitations of the code but it makes me crazy... he will just go outside and stand for hours in his little area reading the same damn book every single time that he doesn't even like that much. He literally thinks that Journal of Tendon Dynamics (the book hes constantly reading) is only just BEARABLE when hes outside like get a new book I know you have more than just this one book. T.T
  • Please just let me place a table and chairs out there for him to sit on and enjoy the outdoor air rather than just standing about
  • His favorite movie is the in game equivelent of a christmas movie ??? His favorite movie that plays at the cinema is a fucking christmas movie... I'm sure that this is not entirely reflective of his actual favorite movie as he is also shown to love the old timey movie that can play, but I think its funnier it is.. guy who LOVES christmas movies SOOO MUCH. I bet he gets soooo excited that time of year cause he has an excuse to watch an unreasonable amount of christmas movies LOL
  • He is very otter to me... I dont know why but I look at him and go hmmmmmmm ottterrr *>_> hence the otter pngs haha