Mo & Louie

Mo & Louie are two of my characters that I am very attached to. They're very simple characters but they still maintain their charm, for me at the very least. I would like to create some comics with them in the future though I am not particularly funny or a witty writer so thats up in the air for now. For now, I would like to introduce them and I have a few things for you to toy with. :-)


Mo is a freelancer who enjoys working with wood and anything mechanial. Often spending his spare time fiddling with those 3D puzzles and seeing if and how they can make them move. He values profressionilsm for the most part when it comes to his various jobs for his clients though this does not stop him from speaking his mind which unfortunately happens quite a bit. Professionilism will not stop you from losing a client after telling them how they're wrong and stupid for their ideas for the 100th time no matter how politely you do it. So stuck in his ways its kinda nice to have someone like Louie to hang around and unwind with. He doesn't seem to care about anything afterall !

Mo thinks that Louie isn't taking this seriously enough, what is "this" you ask? Well, just about EVERYTHING of course ! From his job, to his conversations, to the way he thinks ! This doesn't stop Mo from enjoying Louie's company however as they've found how to push past those thoughts (for the most part) quite a while ago. Mo often helps Louie ground himself and actually come to rational conclusions for many a situation they find themselves in.



Louie is a columnist and the only one in the city. However, he is not very good at his job at all as he doesn't really care much for professionalism. Yes, he does report on the antics of his home but that seemingly soley happens when someone breaks into his office, throws a brick through his window, or runs up to him on the street. His priorities lie in having fun with his paper rather than actually delivering a quality product. The only thing keeping him afloat is that he is reletivley funny and that his paper is the only one for quite a while. Though very obviously a laidback individual, this does not stop him from caring where he finds it necessary, particularly with his close friend Mo.

Louie finds Mo to be too serious and very much thinks they should take a chill pill, just relax and put on some trash TV. Louie enjoys to poke, prod, and generally toy with Mo to see their reaction to whatever trick hes pulling. This is not due to any animosity between them though -- Louie cares for Mo very much -- he just finds them entertaining. Louie's often the one to help Mo take a step back and take a breather outside of whatever nonsense is happening at the very moment.

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